Institutional Investor Can Anyone Buy An ETF Or Is It Open Only For Institutional Investor?

Can anyone buy an ETF or is it open only for institutional investor? - institutional investor

I am also curious to know where the money will be invested in an ETF ...? For individual companies? Please explain ... Thank you ....


Wilhelmina H said...

If you know of an ETF as well as mutual funds, it is logical. The money you pay goes to the management company. As consideration for the shares. Some of the money goes to the fund management company as a tax.

The money invested is used to buy other assets, like a mutual fund.

Individual investors can buy almost all ETFs - listed on a major scholarship programs.

Wilhelmina H said...

If you know of an ETF as well as mutual funds, it is logical. The money you pay goes to the management company. As consideration for the shares. Some of the money goes to the fund management company as a tax.

The money invested is used to buy other assets, like a mutual fund.

Individual investors can buy almost all ETFs - listed on a major scholarship programs.

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