What kind of infection do i have if my vigina has a small ouder coming from it? - small vigina pic galleries
To .. Sometimes it is normal. But if you think it is a horrible smell test, shock in a way. Going to the doctor if you see something like the image of the source. They are animated, so do not have the RAW images to make.
Small Vigina Pic Galleries What Kind Of Infection Do I Have If My Vigina Has A Small Ouder Coming From It?
12:20 AM
Vaginal odor may be of natural hormones and infections caused by fungi or bacteria. If you can white discharge with a mild smell of a yeast (fungus) infections. If a person makes a strong smell and is yellow or green discharge, is usually a bacterial infection. Consult a doctor.
Perhaps you have a yeast infection. Go and check your gynecologist immediately.
when a solid foam, such as baking soda in a glass of warm water not dissolved yeast. other wise it can bacterial or bladder (urinary tract).
This can be any STI or bacterial infection
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